Thursday, November 22, 2007


My little friend the mosquito is back!! I thought mosquitos died in the cold but this seems to be some kind of genetically engineered super mosquito. I think she may be back because now I have heat in my room. It's possible that I have to make a choice between have a warm room and not being covered with mosquito bites. Maybe we can find a happy medium because right now my room is like a jungle. It's probably about 80° and I can't turn the knob on the radiator. I'll think I'll have to get my land lady back over to fix it so I can create a more temperate environment that is less conducive to mosquito life than the rainforest habitat I've got going on currently.

In other news, two of my classes were canceled today, unless any more are canceled that will bring my total to 8 hours of work this week! ahhh France . . .

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

P.P.S. Update: Another class was canceled giving me a grand total of 7 hours of work this week.


Leah said...

you are a blogstar! and if i have all my regularly scheduled classes tomorrow, i will have worked 6 hours this week.

dadahl said...

It's too bad the mosquitoes seem to have a hard-working American schedule. If only your "friend" would cut back to 1-2 hours a week.