Saturday, September 22, 2007

St. Malo

Yesterday, Sophia and I left Rennes for a quick trip to St. Malo, a resort town about an hour away by train. We were lucky and the weather was gorgeous, although not bathing suit worthy. After getting lost on the way to our hotel (obviously) we found out that we couldn't have the room we'd booked because the previous tenant's husbabd had just died in a car accident and the owner of the hotel didn't have the heart to make her vacate. Obviously, we understood, especially when the owner told us that she'd booked a room for us at the same price at a nearby hotel. We saw that we had our own toilet, shower and towels provided once we got there and so we were pretty thrilled. We spent a lot of time on the beach and went to a bar in the Intra-Muros section (the vielle ville). It was cute but really quiet. At first we were jealous of the assistants placed there but it seems kind of touristy and is probably more exciting in the summer.

1 comment:

dadahl said...

St. Malo looks really nice! The family of my high school math teacher, Mr. Malo, was from there and I always wondered what it was like.
We picked up Bernie today, but they didn't really tell us anything different. I got in a quick trip to Michael's and got some craft supplies. Dad went to the other Michael's and got some beer.