Thursday, September 6, 2007

Preview of St. Brieuc

I'm copycatting Sophia and adding pictures that I googled of St. Brieuc to tide us over until I can take actual pictures.

This is a picture of the Bay of St. Brieuc:

Here is the harbor:

Some street:

Some square:

Some buildings . . .:

Some Celtic dancers in a square:

You get the idea. It's adorable!


Sophia said...

Our towns are so cute! It will be fun to visit each other. I know I'm the only one who has commented so far, I hope you don't get excited when you see you have a comment and then roll your eyes when you see it's me! 6 days!

dadahl said...

St. Brieuc looks so pretty! I can hardly wait to see the pictures when you actually get there!

Aunt Gretchie and Uncle Todd said...

Hi Sarah! Sounds like you have had quite a few adventures already. Good thing you are so adaptable! Uncle Rob and I went to Montmartre when we were in France. We were eating lunch in an outdoor cafe and I suddenly became very ill. I'll spare you the gory details, but nice to know the place is still in business! Be safe! Love you!, Aunt Gretchie and Uncle Todd